7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper

7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, 7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, INFINITY LOADED
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Do you know that alligator pepper is a spirit? It’s more than being a fruit. It works wonders that you can’t imagine.
Alligator pepper has the power to ward off Bad energies and Negative Vibrations. It equally avert and divert Evils.
Alligator pepper has the ability to destroy And diseffect charms without adding it with any other ritual items. Only its presence can perform the wonder.
Alligator pepper in as much as it can save, has the power of destruction. It can take away ones life.
Alligator pepper as a matter of fact maintain a powerful position in spiritual assignment. In spiritualism, its the only seed that has the ability to cleanse human just by the introduction in the body.
Most times, we eat and drink in the dream only to wake up and experience bad day and disappointment within the day.
Application of Allegator pepper immediately you wake up will will cancel the attack.
Most of us experience cobwebs on our ways even in a broadway, cobwebs will pass through your face leading to disappointment. Alligator pepper will help deliver you from it. Eat 7 seeds of alligator pepper.
*If Alligator pepper is not working for you spiritualy, then maybe you don’t know how to use it or your broke it the wrong way*
7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, 7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, INFINITY LOADEDIf you are embarking on a journey you are not confident enough with it, just take 7 seeds of it and put in your pocket, once you are back, kindly remove it and dispose.
7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, 7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, INFINITY LOADEDIf you always have bad dreams or spiritual attack, just take 4 of it and drop at the four edges of your house.
7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, 7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, INFINITY LOADEDIf you experience your business premises is under spiritual attack or arrest, kindly take 7 or 4 seed chew but don’t swallow, declare words and spill it off your mouth, do this for 4 or 7 days you will see change.
Note that when you take seven, you do it for seven days, when you take four, you do it for four days.
7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, 7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, INFINITY LOADEDIf you have s*x with someone you don’t like or know too well, with regards to spiritual status. Just take 4 or 7, swing it over your head, making decrees, after that. Throw it off.
7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, 7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, INFINITY LOADEDIf you see strange poo in front of your house, just pray with alligator pepper and bitter kola and splash if off. It will go back to the sender.
7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, 7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, INFINITY LOADEDIf witches are after you, kindly use alligator pepper seeds grind it with ogirisi leaf, pour original palm kernel oil in container, mix all together and hang it on top of your door post.
7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, 7 Spiritual Benefits And Uses Of Alligator Pepper, INFINITY LOADEDIf someone have wronged you too bad and your hands are clean, just take alligator pepper and kola nut.
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