26 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pineapple

26 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pineapple, 26 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pineapple, INFINITY LOADED
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1. Good for your Eyes:

Regular consumption of pineapple can reduce your risk of macular degeneration which is diseases that affects the eye as you get older. However, this healthy fruit has a high source of vitamin C and several antioxidants that can aid in good vision.


2. Reduce Symptoms of Arthritis:

Arthritis involves severe pain in the joints which is primarily caused due to inflammation. Pineapple contains bromelain which is said to have a major anti-inflammatory property and all you need to do is to make pineapple juice and drink it. This will ease joint pain and prevent you from arthritis.

3. Prevents Hypertension:

If you are suffering from hypertension, then make it a point to start eating pineapples regularly as this fruit has high amounts of potassium and lower amounts of sodium that can maintain blood pressure and make you feel relaxed most often. This is the best natural way you can control your blood pressure level.

4. Reduces Risk of Blood Clots:

Bromelain being the major substance in pineapples will reduce your risks of blood clots. Thus, you need to make this healthy fruit your good time pass snack. It can benefit your health in many possible ways and so make it a point to consume this fruit very often.

5. Contain Antioxidants:

Pineapples are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that have the ability to prevent diseases that your body is prone to. Your body is prone to a lot of diseases as you age and as a result, this can cause chronic inflammation and weaken your immune system. Pineapple has antioxidants that can boost your immune system and protect you from many diseases.

6. Prevents Nausea:

Pineapple contains digestive enzymes that can reduce nausea. This is because of its bromelain enzyme that will take away nausea, morning sickness and can be very beneficial especially for pregnant women. How difficult can it be for you to sip a glass of pineapple juice? What are you waiting for? Go grab a glass of pineapple juice and stay healthy.

7. Natural Energiser:

Pineapple contains valine and leucine which are two substances that are very important for the growth and repair of muscle tissue. Drinking one glass of pineapple juice can help you overcome fatigue and boosts your stamina to keep you running the whole day. The best thing about this fruit is that it will keep you hydrated the entire day and provide all the energy you would need to run yourself.

8. Stress Buster:

Pineapple has serotonin which is a natural stress buster that keeps your hormones and nerves relaxed. All you need to do is to eat or drink some pineapple juice and this will keep you healthy. When you are stressed you can end up inviting a lot of health problems. Thus, you can beat that stress by drinking just one glass of pineapple juice.

9. Pineapple Benefits for Skin

Pineapple is good for your overall health and similarly, it is also good for your skin and hair too. If you are suffering from acne, skin rashes or skin damage, then you need to consume this healthy fruit which will rejuvenate your skin and make it look clean and fresh. Here are some health benefits of consuming pineapple for the skin.

10. Treats Acne:

Pineapple juice has loads of vitamin C and antioxidants that can treat acne, sun damage and uneven skin toning. Bromelain is a content that can fight against inflammation and swelling in your joints. If you would want to look fair, then all you need to do is to consume 1 glass of pineapple juice that will help you beat all those scars caused by acne. It will also keep your skin hydrated and make your skin clear.

11. Anti-Ageing Properties:

The older you get your skin begins to lose its glow and you will begin to develop wrinkles. However, pineapple can make you look younger and delay cells from dying. Its rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C is said to boost your immunity and keep you energetic. The best thing about consuming pineapple juice is that it will make your skin smooth and add that extra layer of youngness over it. You can also add a few drops of lemon to it and this will multiply your benefits of anti-ageing.

12. Prevents Pimples:

Drinking pineapple juice means that you are in taking Alpha-hydroxy acid which is the main substance that delays the death of cells, thus aiding in anti-ageing capabilities. All you need to do is to apply some pineapple juice over your face and let it dry for 5 minutes. Once this is done, you can rinse it off with some water and this will flush away the toxins from your face, thus making your skin look vibrant and clean.

13. Treats Black Spots:

Pineapple can reduce black spots on your face and in order to achieve this, you need to rub some slices of pineapple over your black spots. You need to keep it on your face for 5 minutes and wait till it could dry. Once this is done you can wash it away with some water and this will nourish your skin and make it look young.

14. Pineapple Benefits for Hair

Pineapple is said to be rich in vitamin C and can aid in hair growth. Its rich source of antioxidants has the ability to prevent you from any sort of disease that you may be prone to. Vitamin C gives your hair an extra layer of silkiness and makes it look thick. Here are some benefits of eating pineapple for your hair.

15. Softer and Shinier Hair:

Pineapple contains vitamin C that is responsible for softer and shinier hair. Bromelain enzyme is a substance found in pineapple that contains anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema. It’s a high source of antioxidants not only benefits your skin, hair and health but also boosts your immunity.

16. Generates Thick Hair:

Pineapple has hair thickening properties that will make your hair strong and avoid hair fall. The enzymes present in this fruit has vital nutrients that can enrich your hair follicles. This will improve the thickness and elasticity of your hair.

17. Cures Inflammation in Scalp:

If you are suffering from severe itching all you need to do is t try some pineapple and this will give you instant relief. This healthy fruit is said to ease inflammation in your scalp and prevents unwanted hair fall. So, make it a point to drink pineapple juice and get rid of hair fall.

18. Loaded with Nutrients:

Even though pineapples are not calorie-dense, they are packed with several nutrients that are necessary for the body. About 165 grams of pineapple is only 82.5 calories but contains 1.7 grams of fat, 1 gram of protein, 21.6 grams of carbohydrates, and 2.3 grams of fibre. It also contains 131% of the Regular Dietary Intake (RDI) of Vitamin C, 76% of the RDI of manganese, 9% of the RDI of Vitamin B6, Copper, and Thiamin, 7% of the RDI of folate, 5% of the RDI of potassium and Magnesium, 4% of the RDI of Niacin and Pantothenic acid, as well as 3% of RDI of Riboflavin and Iron.

19. Speeds Up Muscle Recovery:

Pineapples contain a compound known as bromelain and according to studies, it has demonstrated significant positive effects on muscle fatigue due to exercise. It also protects from muscle damage and inflammation and is, therefore, a great way to promote muscle recovery after a workout.

20. Helps Recover from Surgery:

Similarly, the bromelain in pineapple has also been seen to be helpful to the body when it is recovering from surgical intervention. In fact, it has been discovered that bromelain is as potent as any other anti-inflammatory drug without the propensity for side effects. Moreover, bromelain has already been approved in some European countries for both internal and topical use on surgical wounds to facilitate faster healing.

21. Promotes Weight Loss:

A recent study on rats has proven that pineapple does have an anti-obesity effect. According to the results of this study, raw pineapple juice has been seen to prevent the deposition of fat in rats that were put on a specific diet. While the effects on humans have not yet been ratified, there is a good chance that raw pineapple juice may have a similar effect on humans as well.

22. Treats Cold and Cough:

If you are suffering from a bad cold, then you need to make it a point to eat pineapple. This is because this healthy fruit contains bromelain which is an enzyme that has inflammatory properties that can fight infections and kill bacteria. Eating it regularly can prevent you from a cough and cold. Well isn’t this a tastier option for you to get rid of that horrible cold and cough?

23. Strengthen Bones:

Pineapple is rich in manganese that helps in strengthening your bones. All you need to do is to add this fruit to your everyday diet and this will help you maintain a strong body and keep your bones strong and healthy. Manganese maintains good bone strength and when it is combined with zinc, copper and calcium this substance can be super healthy. Thus, pineapple has all the components and this is why this fruit can aid in stronger bones.

24. Good For Teeth:

Eating pineapple is said to strengthen your gums and keep your health strong. Your teeth and bones are made up of calcium and pineapple do have good content. It also does have manganese that also helps in strengthening bones and teeth. Just drink pineapple juice every day and stay healthy.

25. Prevents Cancer:

A pineapple a day can keep cancer away and this is true in the case of this healthy fruit. All you need to do drink pineapple juice every day and reap the benefits of it. The best thing about this fruit is that it slows down cell damage and makes you look younger. This fruit has loads of antioxidants in it that can protect you from a wide range of diseases and fights some dangerous organisms that are may affect you.

26. Aids In Digestion:

Gulping down all of those tasty dishes can sometimes make you feel heavy and lead to indigestion. All you need to do is to drink some pineapple juice or eat it and you get rid of that stomach ache. Pineapple has a rich source of bromelain, dietary fibre and vitamin C that helps in good digestion.

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Emilio Lejit

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